Dr Brian Harpell

Introduction to Leading Your Church Through Change

We live in a world saturated with change, a world where the only constant is change. Unfortunately, the church has a reputation for being one of the last places to embrace change. Some congregations, trying to avoid the reality of a changing world, decide to live in the past. Others attempt to grip tightly to the status quo. But whether we admit it or not, the status quo is a myth. To stand still in a world, where everything is changing and at an ever-increasing rate, is to be left behind.

What is needed in a change-saturated world, are men and women skilled in effectively leading transformational change. This workbook is about how to lead and navigate change toward God’s vision. This book, relying upon best practices in both the church world and the business world, addresses the relevant issues related to leading change such as: How do you arrive at a vision for the future? How do you introduce the need for change? How do you go beyond the first steps of change? How do you build and sustain momentum? And how do you lead toward God’s vision as a team?

Leading Your Church Through Change is a work book study of the Old Testament leader, Moses. Moses was an incredible leader of transformational change, leading the Israelites from bondage in Egypt on the long journey to the Promise Land. Moses’ story is a model for leading transformational change.

One of the emphases in the book is that leadership development is best accomplished in a team environment. We can all learn from one another. As you begin to implement some of the leadership principles of this book, I want to encourage you to share your own learning and experiences with me. You can contact me through brian@brianharpell.com

Read the full Introduction and Chapter 1 HERE

Partners in His Adventure,
Brian Harpell